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Quickly Convert numbering, bullets or multilevel list to normal text in word

Author: Amanda Li Last Modified: 2018-12-11

The numbers at the beginning of each list item cannot be selected or when you delete or add items in your list, the other items in the list are renumbered to compensate for your actions if you have used Word's numbered list feature. In some instance, you may need to convert the numbered list, bullets or multilevel list to plain text. Kutool for Word’s List to Text utility can quickly convert numbering list, bullets or multilevel list to plain text in word.

Convert numbering / numbered list to plain text

Convert bullets / bulleted list to plain text

Convert multilevel list to plain text

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Click Kutools > List to Text. See screenshot:

Convert numbering / numbered list to plain text

Supposing you want to convert the numbering / numbered list to plain text as shown in the below screenshot, you can get it done as follows:


Please select the numbering / numbered list first, and then apply the utility by clicking Kutools > List to Text. Tip: If you select a part of the document, all numbered lists, bullet lists or multilevel lists in this selection will be converted to plain text. If you want to convert all numbered lists, bulleted lists or multilevel lists in the whole document, please don’t select any part of the document and apply the utility directly.

After clicking List to Text, you will see the results as shown in the below screenshot.

shot-convert-numbering-text-2 shot-arrow shot-convert-numbering-text-3

Convert bullets / bulleted list to plain text

If you want to convert bullets / bulleted list as shown in the below screenshot to plain text, you can get it done as follows:


Please select the bullets / bulleted list first, and then apply the utility by clicking Kutools > List to Text. Tip: If you select a part of the document, all numbered lists, bullet lists or multilevel lists in this selection will be converted to plain text. If you want to convert all numbered lists, bulleted lists or multilevel lists in the whole document, please don’t select any part of the document and apply the utility directly.

After clicking List to Text, you will see the results as shown in the below screenshot.

shot-convert-numbering-text-4 shot-arrow shot-convert-numbering-text-6

Convert multilevel list to plain text

If you want to convert multilevel list as shown in the below screenshot to plain text, you can get it done as follows:


1. Please select the multilevel list first, and then apply the utility by clicking Kutools > List to Text. Tip: If you select a part of the document, all numbered lists, bullet lists or multilevel lists in this selection will be converted to plain text. If you want to convert all numbered lists, bulleted lists or multilevel lists in the whole document, please don’t select any part of the document and apply the utility directly.

2. After clicking List to Text, you will see the results as shown in the below screenshot.

shot-convert-numbering-text-7 shot-arrow shot-convert-numbering-text-9

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-Mainly due to humans
- Could also be changes in the sun's energy and volcanic eruptions
- Amplification of the Greenhouse effect
- A result of domestic and industrial activity
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